SacAnime Summer 2024

SacAnime Summer 2024 – Photos, Cosplay, and AMV Contest Winners

PPN Studio had the chance to checkout the SacAnime Summer 2024 event over the Labor day weekend, August 30 through Sept 1, 204, and let me tell you.. It was crowded! Over 33,000 people attended the con and most of them were all there on Saturday.

We cruised the various sections and stages offered and while weren’t allowed to photograph the special guests or any of the live events, we did grab some shots of the general convention, exhibitor floor, and the crowds. Here is what we have.

The Cosplay was Fantastic

Now we move on to the the very popular cosplayers. There were 1000’s of them ranging from minimally dressed up to full on anime-perfect costumes and more. While we unable to photo the contests and other events for cosplayers, we did manage to grab some shots of quite a few of them as they walked around the convention. I just wish we had more time to set up for better shots and do justice to these fine folk in there awesome costumes. But it’s a con and it was packed, so this is what we have for ya.

There were so many more cosplayers than I could even try to photograph, and every single one of them were having a great time at the show. Here’s a few more.

Film and Video Events at SacAnime Summer 2024

The SacAnime Summer 2024 Anime Music Video contest showcases submissions from attendee editors, combining music and clips from anime, video games, and original art. Video entries were played on Friday and Saturday nights on the Main Events screen, with awards handed out at Closing Ceremonies on Sunday.

SacAnime Summer 2024 AMV Contest

Judge’s Choice – Alastor vs. Alucard – Rap Battle by cagayakegirlz

The judges mentioned that they really liked the edits in this AMV and that is what put it over the top and earn the Judge’s Choice win. If you are a ERB (Epic Rap Battles of History) fan then you will love this winner of a video.

SacAnime has 5 AMV categories that editors can submit to. They are Action, Drama, Fun, Love, and Comedy. There were over 100 AMV videos submitted but the staff and judges could only get to see/judge 55. These are in the video below.

Category AMV Final Results:

Action – 3rd Place – Calm Down by FabledMemories
Action – 2nd Place – Hero by Chiterra
Action – 1st Place – Long Live Shounen by SeanPNG

Drama – 3rd Place – AND YOU CAN’T COME by Troubleclef
Drama – 2nd Place – Boots Rattle by thefanvideoer2 & MrTiredEyes
Drama – 1st Place – ToxiCommoner by SpuddStaaa

Fun – 3rd Place – The Next Bond by Lelani
Fun – 2nd Place – Milly Dolla Babi by Jharoedits
Fun – 1st Place – Izuku Midoriya Takes Off by MadMegatax

Love – 3rd Place – Kaguya Walker by SpuddStaaa
Love – 2nd Place – KWMS Just the Girl by xDivineMemoriesx
Love – 1st Place – Freedom’s Worth by AbyssBreakingStudios

Comedy – 3rd Place – Ranko Mannen performs Ievan Polkka on her birthday by Synæsthesia Productions
Comedy – 2nd Place – Welcome to the Glam Dungeon🔥👄 by AbyssBreakingStudios
Comedy – 1st Place – Virgin Gojo by shorisquared

Here is the SacAnime provided playlist of all the submitted AMVs.

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